Learn to Unlearn

The more I learn and study, the more I unlearn falsehood and assumptions, incorrect judgments and prejudice. The massive, incorrect model I have had of the world comes crashing down.

All I am left with is a truth that is small, unobtrusive, flexible. Although my model of the world is smaller, it is more inclusive, healthy and loving, and enduring. I am unlearning limits and bounds to uncover something unlimited and beyond language.

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Ignorance is Bliss

Have you ever noticed how much you label and interpret people and events in one day? Have you ever caught yourself suggesting (even to yourself) that someone must have a certain character flaw because of how they acted in some situation?

Maybe a friend didn’t return your hello when you saw them on the street, or a cashier was unpleasant when they rang your purchase through. Maybe someone let a door close in your face when you were following them into the entrance to work.

My own internal talk used to be full of judgments and worry and anger over what other peoples’ actions, tone, or posture meant. Now I stop myself and ask “How do I know?” I don’t. I have no idea what is going with other people or what their behavior means. It doesn’t matter, either.

I don’t know, UNTIL I know, when, and IF, they decide I should be IN the know. Until then, I don’t care if I know, because I don’t NEED to know.

In adopting this attitude, and curbing my projection of meaning onto everything and everyone, I have cut about ninety percent of the stress and distraction from my life. While the person in line behind me at the cash is still upset about the interaction they had with the cashier, I’m busy enjoying my purchase, letting the CASHIER worry about what is bothering him.

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

Mindfulness is Not From Mars

When I bring up mindfulness, many of my friends look at me like I just disclosed being from Mars. The fact is, however, we are reminded to be present and pay attention (the essence of mindfulness) throughout our lives:

Pay attention in class… Look at me when I’m talking to you… Don’t be texting while driving or talking to someone… Stop and smell the roses…

Mindfulness is not new. Calling it mindfulness, and acknowledging its importance, is the only thing new about it.

Thinking Me

I learned something very important this last year:

The thinker and the thought are one. I am not a person in the world having a thought- I am a thought being expressed in the world by way of a person.

When my thoughts are on loving another, and are given expression in the things I do, then I am not merely a person DOING love- I AM love.

Easy to Remember

I’ve registered a bunch of domain names to help me connect with people I meet:

Wemetsomewhere.com (have to set this one up later today)

Now, whenever I meet someone, and we don’t have time or a pen to exchange contact info, they just need to remember an easy .com that’ll bring them here where they can find my contact info 🙂 I even registered variants in case they get it wrong.

Look Around

Sometimes looking where I normally wouldn’t provides smiles. I looked up and saw this over a path I take to go somewhere. All across Canada I have encountered these brighten-your-day booby traps. I love that some people care enough about others to leave these smile traps around for them.

I think it could also be an effort to encourage people to be mindful of the world around them, and not just focus on their destination. It’s a reminder that sometimes I miss chances to smile when I am only thinking about/looking toward where I want to be.